Poliția finlandeză suspectează că petrolierul Eagle S, provenit din Rusia, ar fi implicat în deteriorarea unui cablu electric submarin între Finlanda și Estonia, potrivit AFP. Incidentul a avut loc miercuri, în prima zi de Crăciun, iar nava face parte dintr-o așa-numită „flotă fantomă”. Petrolierul rus a fost confiscat de poliția finlandeză Sami Rakshit, directorul general […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Finnish police suspect a Russian oil tanker, known as "Eagle S," of sabotaging a subsea electricity cable connecting Finland and Estonia on Christmas Day. This incident raises concerns about potential Russian aggression and interference in critical infrastructure in the region.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Finnish police suspect a Russian oil tanker, known as "Eagle S," of sabotaging a subsea electricity cable connecting Finland and Estonia on Christmas Day. This incident raises concerns about potential Russian aggression and interference in critical infrastructure in the region.